Imagine getting exactly the jumpstart you need to reduce bloat + weight without the overwhelm.

Join now! - ONLY 50 'Founding Members' Seats Available


....for the woman who is healing, while slimming down, reducing bloat, and still able to enjoy life's simple pleasures (aka food!)

The program that has already changed thousands of women's lives worldwide!

"This is by far the best gut healing book on the market! I absolutely love the format of the book. I love how she gives you a place to take notes and she has a checklist for the 21 days(I love a good checklist). I love taking notes in books that I will keep forever so I can reference back to them. I also love all her relatable content, her vulnerability she shares, and how she helps you find your own healing journey and not a one size fits all approach. I have been following @agutsygirl for a while on IG and she has so much knowledge and incredible content. I would highly recommend following her and buying her book."

- Melanie Eckert

"I have been struggling with GI issues for a long time and it’s only getting worse. A Gutsy Girls Bible came in the mail last week and I have devoured it from cover to cover, and will do so again right away it’s that good. It’s a page turner, packed full with so much wisdom and top tier guidance on healing one’s GI issues. Also, I really appreciate the acknowledgment to “the emotional side of illness”, found on pages 11, 12 and 13. I feel seen, and you will too!!!!"

- Beth Walker

"I’m trying to find the words to describe how finding Sarah Kay Hoffman AKA A Gutsy Girl has been transformational in my gut journey. I first found the podcast and have went all the way back to the beginning and started listening. Then I went to the website and it is packed full of useful information. I have both-A Gutsy Girl’s Bible and Healing Blooms from Within. I highly recommend both. It will change your life. Take it all in a little each day so you don’t get overwhelmed. Heal your gut heal your life."

- S.S.S

If you're like the thousands of women whose lives have already been transformed then....

  • You're always "dieting," gut healing or otherwise, but always find yourself back at square one
  • You are sick of Googling, "Why am I so bloated and miserable?"
  • You're sick of going to doctor after doctor who give you nothing more than a handout for your "diagnosed condition"

So you answered (or maybe screamed!) a YES to the above and feel like you've tried EVERYTHING, but the results aren't there?

I get you, I SEE you....and I WAS you.

I was chronically ill for over a decade - bloated, gaining weight, sick, and miserable, studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and did an in-depth course on Gut Health there + a functional course through the ADAPT program with Chris Kresser.

And then I healed for good, and knew I wanted to help thousands of women worldwide do the same. After my process worked for hundreds of women in 2012-2014, I decided to make this my signature method for helping women get the answers they have been so desperately seeking.

My goal is always to ensure YOU don't have to endure a decade spending the same thousands of dollars on doctors and other specialists who only offer the basic advice, 'by-the-book' rules which never worked!

The women have tried the 'A Gutsy Girl' approach....

....are FINALLY getting relief from gas, bloating, and constipation AND they are losing the weight they once thought might never budge.

And this could be you!

Listen to my full story -- see yourself in these same shoes.

Listen to the Full Story Here

And who is this for?

This method helps women who:


  • Have been told you have IBS, SIBO or another gut-centric condition
  • Have engaged in strict templated diets like 'Paleo,' 'low-FODMAP,' 'Keto,' 'Vegan,' etc.
  • Constantly complaining of bloating, fluid retention, acne, fatigue, and more
  • Are sensitive to gluten, dairy, soy, etc.
Join Now, Start on Monday

Gaining Weight

  • Are health-conscious, thinking you're 'doing all the right things,' but still not seeing results
  • Are spending countless hours on the elliptical at the gym only leaving you feeling more misery with the scale creeping up
  • Are going through perimenopause, menopause or postmenopause
  • Cannot control the sugar cravings

The Quick Gut Detox is designed to....



That's right. When we physically SEE + FEEL the results we are motivated to keep going.



Bloat and weight are not the same things. But in my 40+ years on Earth I am a firm believe they both have an inflammation component.



Not eating will NOT heal your gut OR make you lose weight. You can’t outrun a bad diet, BUT if your gut is healthy you’ll be able to consume all foods, freely.

So HOW does this work?

I want you to understand exactly how this works so that you feel empowered to make the changes you've so desperately been seeking.


The First Three

You'll start with a three day 'reset,' which is done in combination with the 21 day program as a whole.

Three days, or 72 hours, allows most things to filter through the body.

Your microbiome has the ability to quickly recover from anything and everything thrown at it. This resilience means changes within months, weeks, or even days.

In fact, the average lifespan of a bacterium in your microbiome is 20 minutes – a very short period.

And therefore, when it comes to a detox program, even a SANE one (which is the only one I think most people should engage with), three days is the prime number to start with.

Even in three days, you will see positive effects. And on top of that it is perfectly doable!

A small commitment to get you started on your journey to feeling your best and having energy levels return.


....and the full 21-day approach

This is the bread and butter of the Quick Gut Detox program.

With it, you'll get my full book A Gutsy Girl's Bible: a 21- day approach to healing the gut that is complete with your 21-day journey, daily actions to take + journal prompts, and 100+ food creations for you to use and include as part of your own daily plan.


Track it!

During the 21 days, you'll keep track of what you're doing - what you're eating, how you're feeling, what your sleep is like, and any activities you're doing.

And you'll do this using my gut healing journaling SYSTEM that I personally created during my own healing journey.

This information will be golden for you.


.....but you'll EAT!

And I will help you navigate what that looks like. You'll have access to 100+ Creations that you can easily tailor for YOU and the journey YOUR on.

All Creations are free from inflammatory-promoting foods. They are gluten and dairy free BUT super delicious.

PLUS, we don't count calories or put a restriction on them. Your GOAL is not to eat less in order to become less; it's to EAT RIGHT in order to feel YOUR best.


Cravings fade + you see RESULTS

Compared to all other generalized 'weight loss' and 'gut healing' plans out there, this one will make it easy for you to stick with an achieve.....

Because it fills your belly and cravings.

How is this different to the other weight loss plans out there?

For starters, it was NEVER intended to be a 'weight loss plan.' Losing the unwanted weight was just a massive benefit that early-adopters of the A Gutsy Girl's Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut saw.

But after clients were seeing the weight-loss benefits (read Heather's 13-pound weight loss story HERE), I realized something that was critical -- optimal weight was the side effect of a flourishing gut.

Here are just some of the differences....

Traditional weight loss plans....

  • NEVER consider the gut
  • Leave you starving
  • Require complicated recipes with too many ingredients and steps
  • Don't allow you to understand what's truly causing the gut inflammation and weight gain
  • Celebrate less is more

A Gutsy Girl's 21-day approach; Quick Gut Detox

  • The GUT is the focus; and I'm the original A Gutsy Girl (I was talking about and focusing on gut healing long before it became the trend it is today!)
  • Allows you to eat freely
  • Focuses on Creations vs. 'Recipes'
  • Gives you the tools and education for the long term

Mainstream diet culture is rarely synonymous with a true diet for gut health.

…..and this is why, when we follow mainstream diet culture we feel worse.

And there's more!

You also get these BONUS things to help you on your journey towards feeling fabulous (no matter where you're at or how old you are).

My Personal 10-Day Cleanse

Whenever I need a hard reset, THIS is exactly what I do.....and I'm giving it to you inside of the Quick Gut Detox materials.

Recommended Tools

Inside the Quick Gut Detox, I have listed out my top recommended tools to understand your gut microbiome -- and also optimal metabolic healing.

Supplement Support Info

A supplement won't make everything go away overnight …..but they can help get you there a heck of a lot faster. As the founder of 'Gutbyo[me],' I'm sharing what I know.

Hand Holding.

Because I'm HIGHLY invested in YOUR success, you will also have access inside the course to ask me anything you want.

  • How to tailor the Creations specifically for you
  • Troubleshooting on any of the days
  • How to navigate eating out SO THAT you can still enjoy dinners with friends and family....
  • .....anything! No question is off limits!
I'm Ready to Start on Monday!

Just imagine how it will feel when you, TOO, can:

  • Get past the slump you're currently in
  • Break free from the endless bloating cycle
  • Lose the weight without surviving on chicken breasts and your other 5 foods you currently deem "safe"
  • Let go of hours at the gym
  • Stop seeking out lists upon lists of foods for reducing bloating and constipation
  • Have more energy than you knew possible!
  • Feel empowered to make the decisions that are right for you

Now you CAN!

Now you get to ask yourself....would you like to get out of the constant struggle-cycle you've been in for weeks, months, or years?

So that you can FINALLY watch before your eyes what it looks and feels like to watch your waistline decrease and bloat diminish?

If so, you have 3 options:


Do nothing. Continue on as you have been doing, attempting every diet out there - a different one every week, but still not understanding your OWN, unique body. Then going back to multiple doctors and specialists who give you the same, templated response, "It' just IBS. Fewer calories, and more movement to reduce weight."


Try going at it on your own, spending countless hours upon hours counting calories, tracking macros on apps, researching if you should or should not eat that pastry, deciphering recipes, and spinning wheels.


Follow a system that has already worked for women worldwide that completely takes all the guesswork out so you can lose the weight, hunger, and bloat all while being supported in your quest for feeling your very best!

Did you choose #3?

Let's do this! Let's get you started.

I have asked hundreds of women who have had success with my plan what they would pay to do it all over again. While most responded, "Priceless," the figures ranged anywhere from $300 - $500.

The first time I ever launched the A Gutsy Girl's 21-day method was in 2012. And at that time it was $97. Now? The program is far more comprehensive because it's based off a physical book AND founding members are getting in for just $59!

But, I wanted to keep this incredibly affordable for all - to make it a no-brainer to join so that you would be able to finally take the action you've been wanting to take - to finally be the last time you'd ever have to buy a "diet" or "gut-healing" method.

My price on ALL of this is a fraction of what you'd spend with any ONE HOUR of time with a practitioner, the Quick Gut Detox is only $59.....but only for a limited time for Founding Members (then the price will increase!)

I know! That's insane, especially considering the fact that even at $97 those who completed the course in 2012 - 2014 said they would have gladly paid $300 - $500 for the information.

You also get LIFETIME ACCESS, which is unheard of.

I can't tell you how many women go through the program, see results, and then come back to it time-and-time again for elevated success and more fine-tuning.

Just to recap, the Quick Gut Detox program includes:

  • Instant access to our online portal so you have all the resources in one spot
  • The First Three - so you have an understanding of what (+why) the first three days can be so crucial for the next 21.
  • A Gutsy Girl's Bible: a 21-day approach to healing the gut - the full 21-day book filled with YES and NO to lists, information behind it all, a Gutsy glossary to understand terminology, 100+ food Creations, stories to fuel your fire, and a daily actions list (with checkboxes you can physically mark off)
  • The official gut healing journaling SYSTEM so you can track and monitor what you're personally doing in order to make changes, as necessary
  • Access to me personally to ask any and all questions
  • The BONUS materials

This is not about HOW MUCH the program is, but instead >>> HOW MUCH YOU'RE SAVING in the long run from a time, money, and sanity standpoint!


We've got A's for your Q's

Will you help me with my 'XYZ' condition?

The Quick Gut Detox is not condition specific (i.e. SIBO, leaky gut, Celiac, GERD, etc.) However, it IS a foundational program that will help most conditions.  

I'm scared to do "another diet." Are you going to make me "diet?"

Do you want in on a secret? Diet is the EASY part.
This is because I've already laid it out for you. Honestly? If the tools provided inside the program don't help you easily navigate, then I'm certain there is nothing out there that will.  

Does it matter if I'm new to all of this?

Nope! If you're just getting started, we think this is the best way to start. You'll learn a ton about yourself and what your body is/is not reacting to so that you can live your life.

I don't live in the United States. Can I still do this course?

Yes, of course! Location does not matter. And, in fact, women from all over the world see massive benefits because many don't have access to practitioners where they live. One of the main reasons I created this course was so that I could help women worldwide start healing - in some way, shape, or form - however possible.

When can I get started?

Right away! Start on ANY Monday, and watch how much your life can start changing. You can always start ANY day of the week, but most like the fresh start of a Monday. People typically spend a few days prior to starting to digest the materials in preparation for your own Monday start.  

Do I have to buy a bunch of supplements for this to "work?"

Nope! There are ZERO supplements you NEED in order to reap the benefits. While you will have access to "Supplements to Support Your Journey," you do not need them. Supplements are simply to SUPPLEMENT the journey. Some realize early on that supplements are life changing, but you might not. And that's okay. Remember: this is about empowering you to FINALLY TAKE ACTION so that you heal.  

I'm too (old, tired, busy, fill in the blank however you wish).

These are simply just thoughts. So start thinking like this:

  • Have my thoughts been serving me or keeping me stuck?
  • Have these thoughts helped me heal?
  • Are these thoughts true or are they excuses to avoid the journey?

Will you be adding even MORE materials?

ABSOLUTELY! As a founding member of the Quick Gut Detox, you get to TELL ME what else would be helpful inside the program. And as you ask, I'll add. For this reason, the price of the program will not always stay $59. It will increase; you'll be Grandfathered in at this price, for life.